These lifts are built specially for usage by hospitals. Stretchers can be accommodated. Cabin if required – can be washed or fumigated there is no jerk in starting or stopping. The range from 13 persons to 40 persons with the minimum size being 3′ x 7′. The cabin walls can be of M. S. Painted, M. S. Powder coated or hairline brush finished stainless steel collapsible channel gates or swing doors with glass vision windows can be provided. Swing door be varied from floor to floor to suit the decor. Automatic doors can also be provided.
The side elevation shows only the top floor & bottom the respective height requirements. All door heights will be 2000 clear. Door lintel bottom should be at 2150. Plan for manual swing doors / collapsible doors / telescopic doors is different. All sizes are inside finished dimensions in mm. All hoist way walls are 230 mm thick brick or 150 mm RCC walls. Entire civil structure for the lift shaft including plaster & painting of lift shaft inside.